Wowsa It’s Shambles

150 150 Kaleb Nation

This is a photo frame that the girls from Remakers Productions just posted from their upcoming Bran Hambric video. It’s Shambles. Wowwww.

I tell you, all the BranFans on Youtube keep surprising me. I’m waiting around for this video as if it was the real Bran Hambric movie or something. Check out some of their other videos so you can see why I’m so excited for this one 😀

And while I’m talking about BranFans: here’s one from last year that’s still super awesome, which Adrienne has on her site for a free download.


Kaleb Nation

Kaleb Nation is an author, content creator, and producer of Ask Dr. Drew. With over a decade of experience in viral media production and content marketing – including over 1000 videos and 100,000,000 views – he is a nationally recognized expert on digital culture and social media issues. Kaleb has been featured on CNN, HLN, NPR, ABC, MTV, Mashable, Entertainment Weekly, Good Morning America, and more. Read Kaleb's Story

All stories by: Kaleb Nation