
School Visits In October

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One of my favorite parts of being an author is getting to meet and talk to kids and teens who enjoy reading. I love to travel around the country and encourage kids to read and write stories they enjoy. I have appeared at countless schools and school-related events to tell the story of how I became an author and show kids ways that they can enjoy creating their own stories. Since I started writing my first book “Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse” close to the age of most kids in attendance, I can speak directly to other young writers who might dream of being published one day. Every stop has plenty of Q&A about writing, publishing, and pretty much anything students come up with (Q&A is always the best part).

I am currently touring in the areas of PHOENIX, ARIZONA; LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA; and SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH during October 2010. I am also available for online appearances for classrooms via Skype until the end of October. If you would like me to speak at your school during my tour, please contact (or, if you’re a student, have your teacher contact) Paul Samuelson at [email protected].

Even though my tour schedule shows a few events in each city, I will also be stopping by to speak at many schools in the area. So even if you’re not a teacher but happen to be in a class with a particularly awesome teacher who likes books, you can let them know you want me to come to your school!

For more info on me, you can read my bio or watch this video about my story of becoming an author:

Twilight Movie Premiere Trip

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For those of you who do not follow my TwilightGuy blog, I was recently invited to the red carpet at the Twilight movie premiere. If you don’t follow TwilightGuy, then you probably aren’t a Twilight fan, and thus I’ll explain that Twilight is a film based off a book by the same name, by Stephenie Meyer, and is the most-hyped film of this season. The books have been at #1 on the NY Times for a gobzillion weeks. If you haven’t heard of them, you must really live in a cave.

Where you might live

I will also be appearing at an event at Borders Westwood the day before called TwilightLive. Multiple hundreds of people are expected to show up, so if you are planning to stalk me or Bailey, show up early. They are handing out wristbands, and once those run out they won’t let you in. Don’t worry, it’s not just me there — a ginormous amount of the cast from the movie will also be showing up. And, it’s free. And, since I am flying out at 3 AM, you will get to see me in as close to a vampiric/zombie state as ever.

I will be uploading loads of videos from the premiere to my Youtube channel, so if you’re into that sort of thing (AKA as close as you can possibly get to people like Rob Pattinson, Kristin Stewart, Stephenie Meyer, etc) then you might want to subscribe. I’ll only post them here when I get back home, so you’ll see them first on my channel.

And, I might do a live BlogTV from there. So, for any of that stuffs, you might want to regularly check TwilightGuy. Wish me luck!

Random Updates On Books and Such

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Super congratulations to Jeff Kinney, who happens to own the top two spots on the New York Times Bestseller list, his first book at number two and his latest one debuting at number 1. I know Jeff through slight acquaintance and attended his panel at the Texas Book Festival. Since I doubt he’ll brag about it I’ll do it for him, and point out that he’s six places above the National Book Award winner and has been up there for over 41 weeks.

The Thirteenth Reality On other news, I’m passing this around as something you should keep an eye on. The first book in this series is coming in March and already things are starting with their grassroots hype. I absolutely love the music on this site, and if it’s got anything to do with the feel of the book it’ll be spectacular. I emailed James Dashner, the author, and he is so excited about this book coming out. Once I get my hands on one I’ll write something up here.

Also, I just got word that my friend and bestselling author Kaza Kingsley has finished the third book in her series! As you read in my interview with her, the book will be called Erec Rex: The Search For Truth and continues the adventures of Erec on his journey to become king. Kaza will have all the latest news on it at her site. My site also had the honor of debuting the first word of the book as it stands now, which happened to be ‘It’.

As for me, I watched Pan’s Labyrinth last night and was captivated all the way through. I will write up a short review soon.

Comment 100

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We are gathered here today to witness the 1-hundredth comment on this site (not counting my old blog)! Thanks to all you readers and especially Suzan Abrams, who had the honor of comment number 100.

Now we will return you to your regular programming….