School Visits In October 150 150 Kaleb Nation Kaleb Nation of my favorite parts of being an author is getting to meet and talk to kids and teens who enjoy reading. I love to travel around the country and encourage kids to read and write stories they enjoy. I have appeared at countless schools and school-related events to tell the story of how I became an author and show kids ways that they can enjoy creating their own stories. Since I started writing my first book “Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse” close to the age of most kids in attendance, I can speak directly to other young writers who might dream of being published one day. Every stop has plenty of Q&A about writing, publishing, and pretty much anything students come up with (Q&A is always the best part).
I am currently touring in the areas of PHOENIX, ARIZONA; LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA; and SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH during October 2010. I am also available for online appearances for classrooms via Skype until the end of October. If you would like me to speak at your school during my tour, please contact (or, if you’re a student, have your teacher contact) Paul Samuelson at [email protected].
Even though my tour schedule shows a few events in each city, I will also be stopping by to speak at many schools in the area. So even if you’re not a teacher but happen to be in a class with a particularly awesome teacher who likes books, you can let them know you want me to come to your school!
For more info on me, you can read my bio or watch this video about my story of becoming an author: