“If I Stay” Article on NPR
https://kalebnation.com/wp-content/themes/osmosis/osmosis/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg 150 150 Kaleb Nation Kaleb Nation https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/1208a8d99774c3050df87019ae4342d1?s=96&d=mm&r=gI just woke up to the wonderful news that an article I wrote for NPR has been published to their front page. The article is about my experiences reading IF I STAY, the masterpiece of a novel by Gayle Forman. You can read my article on the NPR website.
The story behind me reading this book was quite a long one. I’d gotten a copy from Gayle’s film producers soon after Catherine Hardwicke had signed on, so I could blog about it. I was still in college at the time and I loved the cover, but (foolishly) managed to put off reading. Months later, I’m living in California and going through my pile of unread books, and I find this one with the pretty cover. I open it up, planning to read the first, last and page 250 of it (as I always do to preview books) but hours later, found myself already at the end.
You should read my article for more about my experiences and what I learned from Gayle Forman’s writing. Also, be sure to check out her book — it is certainly one of my favorite reads.