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Music Videos

Most Bizarre Moments In My Life

500 500 Kaleb Nation

My life has had many bizarre moments. The past few months have seen some of the bizarre-est (sic). I talk about them all in my new vlog:

Some of the things I’ve been up to lately include….

  • appearing in at least 3 music videos, which have been seen over 100,000,000 times (OH SNAP)
  • being cast in a national Taco Bell TV commercial (100% TRUE)
  • guest-hosting Dr. Drew On Call on HLN at least 4 times (You were watching, RIGHT?)
  • adopting the most adorable puppy in the world (You won’t BELIEVE her name… but it’s REAL).

But probably leading all of the bizarre-ities (sic) would be discovering that my first novel, THE FARFIELD CURSE, was translated into Russian and has been in Russian stores since 2012. I had no idea. Nobody tells the author anything.

Watch my new vlog to find out how I discovered my book in Russian! Here are some photos:


Speaking of photos… here’s our new puppy…

“Don’t Cha wish your puppy was cute like me?”

I’m In YouTube Rewind 2013. In A One Direction Shirt. With Harken.

398 224 Kaleb Nation

The title of this post says it all. Yes, that’s me in YouTube’s Rewind 2013 music video.

Adding up YouTube Rewind 2013, Rebecca Black’s Saturday, and The Today Show, I’ve made my weird face at over 33,000,000 people this week.

And on top of that, I was holding a gnome, my book Harken, and wearing a pink One Direction shirt.


It can’t get any more 2013 than that.