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How To: Take Adorable Photos

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Last week, Taylor and I did a photo shoot with the amazing fashion photographer Jade Ehlers!

Taylor and I take a lot of photos for our friends and family (okay I’m lying, we do it for Instagram) but it’s tough to get great shots when all you have is a tripod and a remote. With Jade and his wife Kaitlin, we were able to get some new photos and headshots and plenty of pics for Tumblr.

We spent an entire day changing outfits, finding locations, posing, and smiling. LOTS of SMILING. My face still hurts from all of the smiling. Watch our behind-the-scenes video on YouTube and see all of the photos below:

P.S. Are you following both of us on Twitter? She’s at @bfftaylor and mine is @KalebNation.

Help Me Pick My Author Photo

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Whilst wrapping up 11 solid hours of final copyediting today (and I’m still not done!), I received an email from the great and gloriously talented Amy Howe. Amy is a photographer from Dallas, TX, and she did the photo shoot for my author photos last week. After ridiculously strong winds and many laughs (partially thanks to Kallie Matthews of Twilight Series Theories), here are the results:

CLICK TO SEE LARGER. The photos on the right are exactly the same as those on the left, but B&W.

One of these photos will appear in the book as my author photo, and will be used in all promotion for the book. Which photo do you think would work best as an author photo? Tell me in the comments!

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