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Preview Chapters


150 150 Kaleb Nation

Many years ago, when I finished the first draft of BRAN HAMBRIC: THE FARFIELD CURSE, I launched and posted the first few chapters as a preview of my novel-in-progress. Now, nearly 10,000 downloads and a real publisher later, those preview chapters (in various degrees of editing) have crawled their way across the internet, and worked as a wonderful introduction for thousands of readers to the world of Bran Hambric.

I like the idea of letting readers preview a book before they buy it. If you were buying the book in a store, you’d be able to read as many chapters as you wanted. That’s why unlike most book previews, mine are usually a good chunk of the novel (the first one was the whole first 50 pages!). So I’ve decided to keep this tradition up with my next book.

In honor of June 17, Bran Hambric’s birthday, I’ve uploaded the first preview chapter of my upcoming sequel BRAN HAMBRIC: THE SPECTER KEY. This book is the second part in the Bran Hambric series. I will be uploading ONE preview chapter a month, leading up to 10/10/10 — the release date of the novel.

You can read the preview below or click here to download as a PDF.