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Engagement Photos In Malibu

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I took a road trip to Malibu, California, with my fiancé Taylor, our puppy-child Selfie, and our photographer friends Jade and Kaitlin Ehlers. We spent the day taking engagement photos on Malibu’s famous beaches and came home covered in ocean water and sand.

It was all worth it though. The photos are perfect.

We filmed it all for our new show Nation — we’ve gotten a bit behind on posting episodes because we’ve been working on some secret projects but the shows will be edited and uploaded soon!

Meanwhile… here’s the crazy way I proposed in front of 13,000 people:

Wedding is in October 2015!

Kaleb Nation proposes to Taylor on stage at Digifest NYC 2014

Surprise Digifest Proposal (In Front Of 12,000 People)

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I met Taylor at the YouTube convention Playlist Live. At Vidcon, she said “date me!” So at Digifest, on stage in front of 12,000 people, I said “marry me?”

I filmed everything. Watch the surprise proposal:

Both of us have been making YouTube videos for 7 years — Taylor at and me at When I started my channel, I had no idea that marrying a YouTuber was in my future.

Thanks for changing our lives, YouTube. Thanks Nationeers for watching my videos and convincing the people at Playlist Live to invite me all those years ago. Thanks Chris, Meridith, and the entire team for making my Digifest proposal possible.

And thanks to Ryan Seacrest for the awesome article about our engagement!

Be sure to subscribe to our new show — the wedding will be here soon!