Taylor and I just did our first national TV show together! Watch it below or click here to see it on CNN.
Of course our first interview was with HLN’s Dr. Drew On Call because they are my favorites and Dr. Drew is a boss. We talked about the Digifest proposal, what it was like going down on one knee in front of 12,000 people… and gave them an exclusive on the wedding date!
Fun show with @drdrew!! @bfftaylor did great, I'm so proud of her 🙂 #DigiProposal pic.twitter.com/UN9H651jcs
— Kaleb Nation (@KalebNation) June 11, 2014
I know it LOOKS like I hogged all of the talking time. This was Taylor’s first TV interview since she was 13 (on The Tyra Banks Show) and I didn’t want to make her speak up too much in case she was nervous.
She was awesome though — I’m so proud of her! We have more TV stuff on the way so next time she’ll do the talking… and I’LL wear the engagement ring. 😉
Watch our Twitter accounts @KalebNation and @bfftaylor to keep up with the wedding plans, and don’t forget to watch our new reality show at YouTube.com/Nation every week!