Interview With Discovery Channel’s WebNation!

150 150 Kaleb Nation


I was recently interviewed for a short segment on Discovery Channel’s WebNation (ironic, no?), a show which focuses on digital media and the Internet. As you’ll see in the clip, I talk about the Twilight fandom and how I got onto the red carpet of the New Moon premiere. Click the player above to watch!


Kaleb Nation

Kaleb Nation is an author, content creator, and producer of Ask Dr. Drew. With over a decade of experience in viral media production and content marketing – including over 1000 videos and 100,000,000 views – he is a nationally recognized expert on digital culture and social media issues. Kaleb has been featured on CNN, HLN, NPR, ABC, MTV, Mashable, Entertainment Weekly, Good Morning America, and more. Read Kaleb's Story

All stories by: Kaleb Nation