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Writing In Seasons

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I was interviewed by Chris Trondsen at Erika Tascon’s Birthday Bash last month! Watch it if you want to see me incredibly hyped up on too much caffeine and if you want to meet my new friend The Little Hair That Would Not Stay In Place

Among other things, I explain how I write in “seasons” around 2:56. I point it out because my seasonal writing goes against everything in those library books about how to “be a writer” —

“REAL writers write EVERY day and once they finish a book REAL authors IMMEDIATELY start writing on the NEXT one so they are ALWAYS writing like REAL writers…”from The Only Real Way To Be An Author by Huckster Notawriter

It makes sense in theory on paper (pun was required). If you work out every day, you’ll get stronger. If you write every day, you’ll write better. But they fail to mention that some writers aren’t the norm.

Most writers are rabbits.

They can bounce from one project to the next, finishing a book in their children’s series then another in their adult series just in time to release a racy e-novella under their fourth pen name. They hop around with their semi-robotic routines, their superhuman discipline, their ability to crank out thriller after thriller and never run out of steam or have the slightest dip in quality.

These writers annoy me. No amount of energy drinks can help me keep up with their spirit-crushingly spectacular pace.

Other writers are bears.

Sometimes plotting and writing and editing and polishing an entire novel is such a mental exercise that your muse simply needs to rest. For a LONG time.

My muse needs 6 months of hibernation for every 6 months of writing activity. Like clockwork, my mind switches to creative mode at 5PM PT, which is why you’ll often see me posting word count updates to Twitter at 3 in the morning.

If I push myself to write in the off-season or at different hours, everything comes out wrong and falls apart into a frustrating mess. My muse just isn’t awake.

I’ve learned to work with it. Half of the year, I’m online: making videos, websites, shows, projects, everything from that side of my life. Then the writing seasons creeps up on me. Before I even realize what’s happening, I’m suddenly writing in a frenzy again.

Keep writing, but keep loving writing too.

I’ve learned to not be afraid of doing things my way. If you have school or a job or commitments and can only write on Wednesdays after 7PM, don’t feel like you’re any less of a writer than someone who never pries themselves from their pens-and-microwavable-food-covered desk. If you scheduled writing time for every day at noon but find yourself uninterested and uninspired, relax. Do something else. Take notes for tomorrow so you feel better. Writing doesn’t expire. Often letting an idea simmer for the night will deepen its flavor it the morning.

Now that I’ve finished this alarmingly lengthy blog post, I just realized something… I think writing season is about to start again.

My First TV Interview!

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I just did my FIRST LIVE TV interview!

AXS invited me on their daily show AXS Live to talk about my videos, the fandoms I like, and my YA conspiracy novel HARKEN. Watch a video clip from my interview.

My hands weren’t shaking at all this time! And my hair certainly wasn’t shaking either thanks to the gallons of hairspray.

Buy HARKEN on Amazon for $0.99

It’s Here! HARKEN In Print

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Since January 13, my conspiracy thriller HARKEN has reached thousands of people all over the world through the Kindle ereader. So many of you are buzzing about the book that #HARKEN has been a trending topic on Twitter multiple times.

But there is something special in being able to hold a real book.

That’s why I’m so excited to announce HARKEN in print for the first time! Now you can own the first book in the Harken Series, share it with your friends, and read it even when the flight attendant says to power off all devices.

But this isn’t just a print edition. The first 2,000 preorders from the Harken store will be signed by me as a special thank-you for all of your support. And, on the last page, I reveal the title of book two.

24 hours before my announcement, I sent an email with the news to everyone who signed up at They got a chance to grab a signed copy before the rest of the world hits the site and the books run out. So if you haven’t, you should sign up for future emails from me!

If you’d like to preorder HARKEN for $9.99, visit this page.  Harken preorders have ended. Now you can get it in paperback for $8.99!

More soon. Don’t Trust Anyone.


Kaleb Nation

P.S. If your name was in the special fan acknowledgements of the Kindle edition, it is also in the print edition!



“New Eyes” – The Harken-Inspired Song

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Because I’m addicted to the Internet, I keep up with all of your HARKEN posts on Twitter, Tumblr, Youtube, Facebook… Instagram… everywhere else. Some of your creations are so special that I have to share!


My favorite new thing is Adrienne Frailey’s HARKEN-inspired song NEW EYES. It’s thrilling to see an artist read something I created and be inspired to create something new. You can get NEW EYES on iTunes or hear a preview in my new vlog:

Adrienne didn’t stop at NEW EYES! If you visit her website, you can listen to an entire soundtrack she created for the book.

Something special is on the way for February – you’ll hear about it first if you’re on the HARKEN email list. I’m so excited to share it with you soon!


HARKEN Is Finally Here!

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Harken-Book-CoverHARKEN: The Novel by Kaleb Nation

After surviving an assassination attempt, Michael Asher discovers that he is at the center of a worldwide conspiracy higher than any earthly power. A supernatural organization with authority over world leaders, celebrities, and the wealthy desperately wants him dead. Tumbling into a web of international secrets, Michael is forced to fight back and dig up the truth. Who is the puppet master? And how far into the maze can he venture before he is lost forever?

“Whip-smart, charming and irresistible.”
Lauren DeStefano, New York Times bestselling author of WITHER

*       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *

I’m so excited to finally share my book with you. You can buy HARKEN now for $2.99 on your Kindle (or using any of these readers). HARKEN will be available on Nook and other eReader devices within a few weeks.

From the first tweet to the final draft, HARKEN has been a wonderful journey leading to this day. The stories of Michael, Callista, Thad and the others are now yours too.

I hope you enjoy HARKEN as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Kaleb Nation

P.S. For updates on the HARKEN sequel, be sure to watch this page.

The HARKEN Midnight Release Party: You’re Invited!

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You’re invited to the HARKEN midnight release party! RSVP HERE.

With less than 9 days until HARKEN will be released, the wait is almost over. On Saturday 1/12/13 at 8PM PT, I will host a LIVE release party at, counting down to 9PM PT (midnight east coast USA).

At exactly midnight, HARKEN will be available on Kindle for only $2.99. Even if you don’t own a Kindle, you can still read HARKEN using the free Kindle Reader.

This is the biggest live show I have ever done. 

There will be prizes, games, Q&A, and special surprises you will never see again. Be sure to RSVP here. One person who RSVP’s will win prizes during the show!

Lauren DeStefano, the New York Times bestselling author of WITHER, said HARKEN is “Whip-smart, charming, and irresistible.” Read her full review…

I recently answered your most-asked questions… Where can you buy HARKEN? Is HARKEN a series? Why is HARKEN on Kindle first? My answers are here…

Get ready. Don’t Trust Anyone.

Kaleb Nation

First HARKEN Review: “…charming, and irresistible…”

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“Whip-smart, charming, and irresistible. The idea of Michael Asher and his abilities existing in real life makes me smile while simultaneously being afraid to look at anyone ever again.”

– Lauren DeStefano, New York Times bestselling author of The Chemical Garden trilogy.

I just received the first blurb for HARKEN and it’s from none other than super author Lauren DeStefano! I teared up a bit. This means my little secret book won’t be secret for much longer!

If you haven’t, you can read the first 3 chapters of HARKEN at The book will be available on 1/13/13.

Be sure to add HARKEN on Goodreads. I can’t wait to share it with you!

Kaleb Nation

read more

Read 3 Chapters Of HARKEN Now

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The preview chapters of HARKEN are finally up! You can now read the first 3 chapters of my next book for free at

It’s really exciting to share the preview with all of you. HARKEN is a project I’ve been working on for almost 3 years now, and to finally reveal some of it means we’re that much closer to 1/13/13. Less than a month until you can read it!


While you’re waiting, how about a contest? I’ll be receiving a ton of HARKEN merch soon and I want to give it to you! I’d show you a photo but the mail is moving slowly around the holidays and the packages haven’t arrived, but imagine: a gigantic poster, a glow-in-the-dark wristband, a ring from the book, a postcard, and anything else I can stuff in.

It’s easy to enter! All you have to do is download the free preview of HARKEN, then post your favorite quotes or parts of the book to Twitter with the #HARKEN so I see it. Or leave a comment on my new video to be entered too.

Let me know what you think of the preview. 1/13/13 will be here in less than a month!

Kaleb Nation